
Does Your Rental Property Qualify for HUD’s Housing Choice Vouchers? – Online Voucher

Participants in this program will receive an itemized voucher to apply for rent payments. Participants in the program have agreed to take these vouchers as well as provide secure, and decent shelter to families in dire need of shelter. This program helps families find safe housing and helps landlords to fill up their units. Find out more information from your local housing authority If you’re a landlord who is looking to join the section 8.
Section 8 Tenant

A tenant in Section 8 is a tenant determined to be in need of assistance from government via the Housing Choice Voucher program. This program assists the elderly and disabled to get decent, safe and affordable housing. Anyone or a family that qualifies for a voucher receives subsidies to cover a portion of their rental. The money is directly paid to the landlord. This leaves an individual tenant with the remainder of the rent.

Eligibility conditions

To be eligible for the HCV program, the household’s income has to be lower than 50 percent of the median of the metropolitan or county area in which the family decides to reside within. In order for a family to be qualified for a section 8 voucher, the principal of the household has to be a U.S. citizen or permanent residents, and the family must comprise at least one individual who is eighteen years old or older. Any household with members who are not a U.S. citizen or legal resident is not eligible for housing vouchers under the Housing Choice Vouchers program. The household’s leader is not required to be found guilty of any of these felonies: violent crime, sexual offence, manufacture/sales of controlled substances and drug trafficking. If the owner of the family is found to have a criminal record for any of these felonies, the family will be ineligible to be eligible for Section 8 assistance.

Tenant Application Process

Application for the tenant to apply for Housing Choice Vouchers programs is easy. The first step is be able to apply for Housing Choice Vouchers.
