Did you know that in 2010, Rochester was rated the third best place in the country to raise a family by Forbes magazine? There are a diverse number of reasons that people move to or live in Rochester. Here are four interesting facts about the Rochester NY county area that you might not be familiar with, from local sources.
1. Did you know that one of the leaders of the Battle of Gettysburg, a colonel named Patrick O’Rorke, came from Rochester? Although he was killed in battle, Colonel O’Rorke played an important role in preventing the enemy advance. Rochester News 10 reported that members of the Rochester community gathered this July to honor his memory and the memory of other locals who fought in the Civil War.
2. The Rochester Yellow pages notes that Rochester is one of the top ten places to live out of almost 400 metropolitan areas in the country, as calculated by the Places Rated Almanac. Also noted by the Rochester Yellow pages is that the former house of Susan B. Anthony, a leading American suffragate, is located in Rochester and open year round.
3. Rochester Wiki recommends that a great place to check out is the New York Wine and Culinary center, where individuals can taste wines from all over the state. This location is also wheelchair accessible. Finger Lake region wine has actually had a long history. In Vienna in 1873, a local wine won the first American gold medal for wine in a foreign contest.
4. One Rochester NY local news source, the Democrat and Chronicle, says that hundreds of fish have died and have washed ashore at Canandaigua Lake, and no one yet knows why. Oxygen, algae, and clarity levels have all been recorded as normal, and it has affected a wide variety of fish species.